Seafarers Presentation 2012

~The Seafarers Presentation 2012 ~
We had been busy collecting for the Seafarer’s Shoeboxes all term, along with our little Pre Primary buddies and the rest of the school. Two days before we were due to make our delivery, we needed to distribute all the goodies, making sure there was something for the seafarers themselves, plus their wives and children. Mrs Hawke co-ordinated the wrapping with many willing helpers. There were ‘ordinary’ Mums, grandmothers, teacher mothers and even ex students.

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Sydney Seafarers Centre

DSC09322_JPG_426x284_crop_upscale_q85The Sydney Seafarers’ Centre took out the top award for seafarers’ welfare at the 15th Lloyd’s List DCN Shipping and Maritime Industry Awards, at the Ivy Ballroom in Sydney, this week.

The centre funded by the International Transport Workers’ Federation and managed by Mark Armstrong, took out the coveted award, one of 14 celebrating excellence and achievement in the maritime industry.

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