What we do ?

Caring for Seafarers is What do we do !

IMG_0974The Dampier Seafarers Centre over the years the Mission has sought to help seafarers in all kinds of practical ways. Seafarers are away from their families for long periods and may face loneliness and ill-health or injury. The welcome from the MTS Chaplains and volunteers may be the only onshore hospitality they receive.
We try and connect visiting seafarers with there loved ones via the internet and phone, sometimes they just want to chat about anything strike up a conversation with someone who isn’t a crew member, someone who can just listen, its the most satisfying time to have a person talk to you and just to listen then to see a smile return to someone’s face and know that you helped put it there.

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Seafarers Presentation 2012

~The Seafarers Presentation 2012 ~
We had been busy collecting for the Seafarer’s Shoeboxes all term, along with our little Pre Primary buddies and the rest of the school. Two days before we were due to make our delivery, we needed to distribute all the goodies, making sure there was something for the seafarers themselves, plus their wives and children. Mrs Hawke co-ordinated the wrapping with many willing helpers. There were ‘ordinary’ Mums, grandmothers, teacher mothers and even ex students.

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This is a bus not a bathroom!

Mission to Seafarers
Mission to Seafarers

Alright, I admit it:  I have been led astray, like a little lost sheep, like a veritable lamb to the slaughter. I just can’t seem to keep off the streets at night.  Who is to blame?

You may have seen a white bus emblazoned with blue flying angel decals cruising around town in the evenings.  You may have wondered about the bus.  The bus belongs to the Dampier Seafarers Centre, which administers physical and spiritual welfare to the thousands of international seafarers visiting our ports every year.

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Shoe Box Update

School KidsTogether with our Buddy Class, Year 5/6, we again participated in the Seafarer’s Christmas Shoebox Appeal. Over the term we gradually acquired a collection of shoeboxes and sufficient, appropriate gifts to fill them. To broaden our understanding we went on the Internet and researched the Mission to Seafarers. We found out where in the world Centre’s are and how they cater for the needs of seamen of all nationalities. We now have a

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Sydney Seafarers Centre

DSC09322_JPG_426x284_crop_upscale_q85The Sydney Seafarers’ Centre took out the top award for seafarers’ welfare at the 15th Lloyd’s List DCN Shipping and Maritime Industry Awards, at the Ivy Ballroom in Sydney, this week.

The centre funded by the International Transport Workers’ Federation and managed by Mark Armstrong, took out the coveted award, one of 14 celebrating excellence and achievement in the maritime industry.

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Dampier Port to boost

hr9Rio Tinto has announced a US$230 million ($242.6 million) investment to expand the Dampier Port to boost its export capacity by five million tonnes a year.

The upgrade will take the mining giant’s total Pilbara capacity to 230mtpa by the first quarter of 2012. Rio said the investment was in addition to the US$91 million ($95.9 million) approved in early 2010 for a first 5mtpa expansion to 225mtpa capacity.

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